A week ago, I jumped into the spinning world head first by purchasing a wheel. While everyone else seemed besotted by the beauty of the all wood wheels, I was smitten by the Ladybug. It's compact, light weight and fits in the passenger seat of my Accord just fine. I'm envisioning a long weekend off in the mountains of Virginia. I'll take the wheel to keep me company.
With the three day weekend, I spun 8 ounces of Mountain Colors Targhee wool in Indian Corn. I love the colors. Here it is in two ply, bathed and smelling sweetly. It's sitting here while I decide what I want it to be. Perhaps a hat. Maybe two. There are 160 yards and it's bulky.
Fresh out of spinning material, I walked to town yesterday and bought this peach colored yarn. It's 80% merino wool, and 20% silk. The Louet label calls this Golden Hibiscus, but I think it looks like an Orange Creamsicle. Truly, this stuff is a dream to spin.
Today is the first pretty day we've had all week with no torrential rains, or even clouds to mar the sky. I was planning on taking my wheel out on the deck for awhile to spin outdoors. My neighbor has other ideas though. He's outdoors gardening while listening to right wing talk radio. Although I can tolerate my neighbor, I don't know about his Vicodin popping muse. I can't imagine what I'd spin listening to that vitriolic tirade spewing forth from the cheap radio. Maybe someone should buy my neighbor an mp3 player and headphones.
So really, how am I doing? Pinch me! It's thin and consistent.