Last night, during the last round of whatever PGA golf match was happening, I heard a loud buzzing sound that was followed by a boom. Since I was busy treadling my wheel, the obvious loss of power was meaningless to me. Many of my endeavors require absolutely no energy besides that which I provide. My son who’d been lying on the sofa watching the match took things more personally. There was a bit of mild cursing, a rush to grab his keys and he took off to find someone who didn’t have to, “live like a pilgrim.” I kept right on spinning. I was on to something new I’d never done, and I was excited with what my wheel and hands were producing.
I’ve never spun from the fold before. I’ve never really needed to do that, but with the merino/tencel blend I was using (from my new stash purchased at the fiber festival), I was having a really hard time drafting this yarn. I made a call to a fellow spinner who reminded me of this technique I’d seen once, but had never done. I was so busy trying not to make twisty cord of my roving that day that I didn’t pay much attention during circle. Inspired, I hung up and logged onto YouTube for a video of the technique. Thirty seconds later, I was making what I think will be some very pretty yarn. I love YouTube and I’m appreciative of the artists who take the time to video and post techniques like this.
At 10 PM, it was pitch black in the neighborhood. A quick discussion with DTE Energy let me know I had about another hour and a half wait time for the transformer to be replaced. It was a bit warm, but I wasn't about to open the windows to let the rather humid air indoors. So I waited and continued to spin in the relative dark with only the light of a little flashlight. You know, this pilgrim stuff isn't half bad.